Dne 22. srpna proběhlo další zarybnění našeho revíru. Vysazeno bylo 150 kg ryb, kusová hmotnost se pohybovala od 1,5 do 3 kilogramů. Fotografie ze zarybnění najdete ve fotogalerii.
Dne 9. května proběhlo další zarybnění našeho revíru. Vysazeno bylo 305 kg pstruha duhového, kusová hmotnost se pohybovala od 1,5 do 3 kilogramů. Fotografie ze zarybnění najdete ve fotogalerii.
Dear fishermen friends,
the idea of returning the management of the Otava 6 fishing ground to Klatovské rybářství a.s. was born at the beginning of 2017. We have succumbed to the pressure of the fishing public, who have expressed a wish to fly-fish in a bit “different water". We spent a whole year on preparations. We gathered experience from our South Bohemian colleagues and abroad.
Our goal is to create a well-stocked fishing ground where you can catch trophy fish and have unique fishing experiences. The fishing ground is primarily intended for fishermen who look for sporting pleasure rather than a source of livelihood.
It is up to you now to try and evaluate our efforts to create a bit "different water". Tight lines!
Yours faithfully,
Ing. Václav Voráček
Member of the board of directors
Klatovské rybářství a.s.